Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Broken By A Ring

He stood there by the window, the pane held the rain from hitting him while tears rolled down his eyes even though he tried to hold them back. He turned around and asked her, "Why cant you tell me? Speak to me this once.. Please.. You will have to speak, I've tried to understand silence long enough, it stopped making sense anymore". She just sat on the cushion holding the shiny silk pillow, not a sign of emotion on her face, so much that she seemed cruel like a sinister spirit consumed the better off her. He got on his knees, his hands on her shoulder held her affectionately, trying to break the shield she had built around herself, tears continued to trickle down his face, "talk to me.. just talk to me, i barely even know you anymore just talk to me.. i promise to understand.. but just talk..". She just dint move, her face had grown pale and tears filled her eyes and the only thing it reflected was the color of the pillow that she held, but not a word spoken. His frustration in not having a clue about whats running through her head was visible on his face. The gentleness of his hands got over powered by his frustration and he quivered her by her shoulder for the next few minutes, like she just gasped her last breath and he was struggling to bring her back to life. He pleaded, "talk to me please.. I'm going mad.. just talk.. say something." Even the level headed lost calm, he thew his arms apart almost as though repulsed by her energy and dug his hands into his face and just collapsed in one corner. All that was heard was the sound of the ring that disengaged from his finger, hitting the wall, swiveling about its axis. Both of them looked at the ring while it slowed in pace, finally lost momentum and settled. His world fell apart. He dint intend to but the broke the bond unknowingly. And all she did was stare.


  1. hey... i liked the way you have described the emotions running through their minds... and the whole thing in general:)
    there are a few grammatical errors though... you should get someone to proof read it for you... it helps... i always do so....

  2. Smit - I know! :P its full of errors.. :P i ll do that next time..
    Shrav - thanks dude :)

  3. woa ! m blown :O that was so simple yet so ur writin anyway . .will be waitin for more :):)

  4. Holy fuck, this was a little strong. Amazing though.

  5. Shruti - :) thanks man.. i ll write more :P
    Julian - that means a lot, thank you :)

  6. still waters run deep.capturing the little nuances eh!

  7. Ma - Yes, that only.. that only :P

