Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Mother of Battles

(Disclaimer: No conformation to textbook poetic rules what-so-ever. Just emotions mingled with words.)
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Battles surround the existence,
Of a small existential lass.
Fighting wars since her childhood,
Commotion was the atmosphere she had.
Time went by and battles did happen,
As she settled in the sands of her time.

A fairy tale took her by surprise,
A harbinger of peace and calm,
Started inside the walls of her courts.
Soon meaning changed and new order was in place,
She smiled more often,
Welcoming the new change.

But the queen of battles,
Was the queen of battles after all.
In the heart of hearts,
The mother of battles,
Fought this one war,
Inside of her like none ever before.

Where be her real self, she worried,
In calm or amidst the unstable scene,
Despite all the calm she tried,
She ended with her own broken piece.

The mother of battles,
Fought her biggest war,
She fought herself, her pride,
And she took the fall.

The mother of battles,
No queen, no royalty,
Just a lass,
Who fights wars daily,
Loses and wins the same fights.

The mother of battles,
Will never be known.
As everyone has battles to fight, their own.

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