Sunday, November 21, 2010

Monday morning rules

She lay there on the bed. The tiny metal clock by her bed read 3.50a.m. This was probably amongst the very few times when she woke up that early by herself, without the help of an alarm and a million clicks on the 'snooze' button. Nightmares do that to you. They can make you sweat when you are trying to find warmth under a quit on a cold morning. She lay there on the bed till 6.30a.m. Tears rolling down, by the side of her eyes.
Mom walked into her room like she did every morning. Switched off the fan, opened the windows and drew the curtains. On an average day, she would wake up annoyed at mom, but today was different. She had never been as happy to see mom do what annoys her the most. Mom, continuing the usual ritual asked her to wake up for college, in the usual tone. She asked mom to let her be for a while and said she'd be up in sometime. Mom knew her tricks, the Monday morning nightmares of not wanting to go to college. That was probably because she pretended to be ill every Monday morning and if she planned things well enough, even Sunday night. She continued to lay on the bed resting her head on the soggy pillow.
The clock struck 7.15 and the angry mother strutted into the room and ranting endlessly about her lack of commitment towards anything. She got up, annoyed that the requirement of space was hardly addressed and asked her mom to let her be . Not being able to take her tantrums anymore the distressed mother, convinced that the daughter was making up the story questioned as to what could she have possibly dreamt for her to behave this way. She couldn't take it anymore and screamed back at her mom exclaiming, "try waking up one morning after dreaming that you killed your mother, you'll know." She wished she hadn't told her mom because she knew either her mom wouldn't believe her or would end up saying "Oh now you want to kill me. Dreams are unfulfilled desires, you know." Well she did know her mom well, the latter happened.

Apparently one can't wake up having nightmares on Monday mornings. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays accommodate comforting, but not Mondays. Never Mondays.
